
Pure Platform™ Team (together with any affiliates, ” we”, ”us”, and ”our” and the ”Company”) owns and operates one or more websites, mobile apps, and interactive services, under the brand For the purposes of the U.K. Data Protection Act 1998 and the EU General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR), we are the data controller. This Privacy and Cookies Policy (”Privacy Policy”) applies to the Pure Platform™ Site and to all of the features, mobile applications, emails, online services and other functionalities (collectively, the ” Features”) available via or related to the Pure Platform™ Site, whether accessed via a computer, mobile device, or otherwise (collectively, the ”Pure Platform™ Site and Features”). This Privacy Policy may also apply to future websites, mobile apps, and interactive services operated by the Company, whether or not associated with the Pure Platform™ brand. We are committed to protecting your privacy online. We appreciate that you do not want your personal information distributed indiscriminately and here we explain how we collect information, what we do with it and what controls you have. By using the Pure Platform™ Site and Features, you consent to the collection and use of information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy from time to time by changing it on the Pure Platform™ Site.

User Data Collection and Use
Images/Voice and Contacts Information
Images/Voice: Our Service allows users to upload images/Voice to utilize the product search and customer support communication features. We collect images/Voice only with the user's explicit consent and for the sole purpose of providing the requested service.
Contact Information: We access the user’s contacts to facilitate our app referrer feature.
The phone numbers retrieved are used exclusively for this purpose and only with the user's explicit consent.
Contact List Information
With your explicit permission, we access the contact list available on your mobile device solely to facilitate your ability to refer friends to our Service. This process is designed to streamline the referral experience, allowing you to easily select contacts you wish to invite to use our app.
Important Clarifications Regarding the Use of Your Contact List:
Limited Access for Specific Purpose: We only access your contact list when you decide to use the friend referral feature within our app. This access is strictly limited to this feature's functionality.
No Storage or Saving of Contact Information: We respect your privacy and the trust you place in us by granting access to your contacts. Therefore, we do not save, store, or retain any contact list information on our servers. Once the referral process is completed, any temporarily accessed information is immediately discarded, ensuring no unnecessary retention of your contacts' data.
User Control and Consent: Your decision to use the friend referral feature and, by extension, to allow access to your contact list, is entirely voluntary. You have full control over this process and can choose which contacts to refer. Our app requests your explicit consent before accessing your contact list, ensuring you are aware of and agree to this access for the purpose of sending referrals.
Security and Privacy Compliance: We are committed to maintaining high standards of security and privacy. Our practices are designed to comply with relevant data protection laws and regulations, ensuring that your data and the data of your contacts are handled responsibly and ethically.
By using the friend referral feature, you help expand our community in a way that's comfortable and convenient for you, while we ensure the process respects your privacy and data protection rights.

Data Handling and Access and Sharing The access to user data is strictly limited to the purpose of providing the Service. We do not share any personally identifiable information with third parties, except as necessary to provide the features of the Service or to comply with the law.
Data Security
We employ industry-standard data security systems to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your data. Our systems are regularly updated to keep them secure.

Data Retention
We retain user data only for as long as necessary to provide the Service and as required by applicable laws.
Transparency and User Control
You have the right to access, modify, and delete your data. Our Service provides tools for users to exercise these rights.
Privacy Policy Availability
Our updated Privacy Policy is available at, an active, publicly accessible, and non-geofenced URL.
Changes to This Privacy Policy
We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.

Mandatory Information

Please note that the Pure Platform™ website and mobile services is only available for the IRAQ country. You need to have a valid IRAQ mobile number to be able to register for this service.
Information such as Age, gender, address and other related profile information is required for us to provide right service to the user such as showing:
Relevant ads
Relevant survey
Relevant Products in marketplace
Pure Platform™ will not be able to provide service to users who wish to not provide above information hence barred from completing the registration process.
Information we may collect from or about you.
We may collect and process the following information about you: Information (such as your name, email address, gender, age, postal address and telephone number) that you provide by registering as a member or user of the Pure Platform™ Site or otherwise completing a user profile or other forms via the Pure Platform™ Site and Features; In connection with an account sign-in facility, your log-in and password details; Details of any shopping or other transactions made by you through the Pure Platform™ Site and Features; Communications you send to us, for example to report a problem or to submit queries, concerns or comments regarding the Pure Platform™ Site and Features; or Information from surveys that we may, from time to time, present on the Pure Platform™ Site and Features for research purposes, whether for ourselves or for third-party research companies, if you choose to respond to, or participate in, them.

You are under no obligation to provide any such information. However, if you should choose to withhold requested information, we may not be able to provide you with any services available on or through the Pure Platform™ Site and Features (the ”Services”). When you visit or use the Pure Platform™ Site, we may, by means of cookies and/or other similar technologies, automatically collect additional information about you – such as the type of internet browser or mobile device you use, any website from which you have come to the Pure Platform™ Site, your IP address (the unique address which identifies your computer or mobile device on the internet) and/or the operating system of your computer or mobile device. See Cookies and other technologies for more information. We may, from time to time, run referral programmes or similar initiatives, such as a ”Tell a Friend” programme, that invite you to provide us with the contact details of someone who is known to you who may find our products or services to be of interest. We will only use those contact details for the purpose of the relevant initiative (and not for other general marketing purposes). By providing us with their details, you confirm that you have their permission to do so and must not provide us with the details of anyone from whom you do not have such permission. We reserve the right to identify you as the person who has made the referral in any messages that are sent to them.

Location data
We may collect information through the Pure Platform™ Site and Features as to your real time geo-location to provide location services where requested or agreed to by you in order to deliver content, advertising or other services that are dependent on knowing where you are. This information may also be collected in combination with an identifier associated with your device to enable us to recognise your mobile browser or device when you return to the Pure Platform™ Site and Features. We may share your location information with our advertisers, merchant and survey partners or other in order to provide you with advertising, content, surveys, offers, Promotions and Rewards Programs, or for other marketing, administrative and general business purposes. You may opt out at any time from allowing further access by us to your location data by adjusting the settings on your mobile device or by following the instructions available on our Pure Platform™ Sites and Features. You can also stop all location data collection by un-installing the mobile app, using the standard un-install processes for your mobile device.

Cookies and other technologies
When you interact with the Pure Platform™ Site and Features, we try to make that experience simple and meaningful. When you visit the Pure Platform™ Site, a web server sends a cookie or other similar technology to your computer or mobile device (as the case may be). Cookies are small pieces of information which are issued to your computer or mobile device when you visit a website or access or use a mobile application and which store and sometimes track information. Some cookies we use may last only for the duration of your web or application session and expire when you close your browser or exit the Pure Platform™ Site. Other cookies are used to remember you when you return to the Pure Platform™ Site and will last for longer. The cookies and/or other similar technologies we use collect a variety of relevant information, such as the type of internet browser or mobile device you use, any website from which you have come to the Pure Platform™ Site, your IP address and/or the operating system of your computer or mobile device. We use cookies and/or other similar technologies, such as tracking GIFs, web beacons, pixel codes and in-app IDs, either alone or in combination with each other to create a unique device ID and to:
remember that you have visited us before. This means we can identify the number of unique visitors we receive. This allows us to make sure we have enough capacity for the number of users that we get; customise elements of the promotional layout and/or content of the pages of the Pure Platform™ Site; collect anonymous statistical information about how you use the Pure Platform™ Site and Features (including how long you spend on the Pure Platform™ Site) and where you have come to the Pure Platform™ Site from, so that we can improve the Pure Platform™ Site and learn which parts of the Pure Platform™ Site are most popular with users; and gather information about the pages on the Pure Platform™ Site and Features, and also other information about other websites that you visit, so as to place you in a ”market segment”. This information is collected by reference to the IP address that you are using and/or your unique user ID, and includes information about the county and city you are in, together with the name of your internet service provider. This information is then used to place interest-based advertisements and content on the Pure Platform™ Site which it is believed will be relevant to your market segment.
Some of the cookies used by the Pure Platform™ Site are set by us, and some are set by third parties who are delivering services or operating features on our behalf. Most web and mobile device browsers automatically accept cookies but, if you prefer, you can change your browser to prevent that or to notify you each time a cookie is set. You can also learn more about cookies by visiting which includes additional useful information on cookies and how to block cookies using different types of browser or mobile device. Please note, however, that by blocking or deleting cookies used on the Pure Platform™ Site, you may not be able to take full advantage of the Pure Platform™ Site and Features including the tracking of data required for Promotions and Rewards Programs.

Uses made of your information
We use your personal information which we collect to: enable us to provide you with the Services and information offered through the Pure Platform™ Site and Features and which you request; administer your account with us; audit the downloading of the Pure Platform™ Site and Features, as well as data from the Pure Platform™ Site and Features; improve the layout and/or content of the pages of the Pure Platform™ Site and Features and customise them for users; identify visitors to the Pure Platform™ Site; carry out research on our users' demographics and behavior; send you information we think you may find useful or which you have requested from us, including information about our Services or the products and services of trusted third parties such as merchants, publishers, or market research companies, provided you have indicated that you do not object to being contacted for these purposes; allow, with your consent, trusted third parties such as merchants, publishers, or market research companies to send you information directly which you may find useful regarding their products and services.
You can tell us not to contact you with information regarding our Services or the products and services of third parties, or to share your details with third parties so that they can send you information regarding their products and services, either at the point such information is collected on the Pure Platform™ Site (by checking or un-checking (as directed) the relevant box) or, where you do not wish us to continue to use your information in this way, by following the unsubscribe instructions on any communications sent to you. You can also exercise the right at any time by contacting us using the Contacting us details at the end of this Privacy Policy.

Information sharing
We may disclose aggregate statistics about users of the Pure Platform™ Site in order to describe our business and Services to prospective partners, advertisers, sponsors and other reputable third parties and for other lawful purposes, but these statistics will include no personally identifiable information. We may disclose your personal information to any of our affiliates, or to our agents or contractors who assist us in providing the Services we offer through the Pure Platform™ Site and Features, processing transactions, to view order references and/or order fulfillment requests and information, receiving and sending communications, updating marketing lists, analysing data, providing IT and other support services, or in other tasks, from time to time. Our agents and contractors will only use your information to the extent necessary to perform their functions. In the event that we undergo re-organisation or are sold to a third party, you agree that any personal information we hold about you may be transferred to that re-organised entity or third party. We may disclose your personal information if required to do so by law or if we believe that such action is necessary to prevent fraud or cyber crime or to protect the Pure Platform™ Site and Features or the rights, property or personal safety of any person.

Social Features
Certain functionality on the Pure Platform™ Site and Features may permit interactions that you initiate between the Pure Platform™ Site and Features and a third-party website or service, such as Facebook and Twitter (”Social Features”). Examples of Social Features include enabling you to ”like” or ”share” content from the Pure Platform™ Site and Features with another website or service; to log-in to the Pure Platform™ Site and Features using your username and password for a third-party website or service; to transmit content to the Pure Platform™ Site and Features from your account on a third-party website or service; and to otherwise connect the Pure Platform™ Site and Features to a third-party website or service. If you choose to use Social Features, information you post or provide access to will be shared with that third-party website or service and others, and may be publicly displayed on the Pure Platform™ Site and Features or by the provider of the Social Feature that you use. Similarly, if you post information on a third-party platform that references any of the Pure Platform™ Site and Features (e.g., by using a hashtag associated with any of the Pure Platform™ Site and Features in a tweet or status update), your post may be published on the Pure Platform™ Site and Features in accordance with the terms of the third-party website or service. Also, both we and the third party may have access to certain information about you and your use of the Pure Platform™ Site and Features and the third-party website or service. The information we collect in connection with Social Features is subject to this Privacy Policy. The information collected and stored by any third-party website or service via Social Features remains subject to the third party’s privacy practices, including whether the third party continues to share information with us, the types of information shared, and your choices with regard to what is visible to others on that third-party website or service.

Public forums
The Pure Platform™ Site and Features may, from time to time, make chat rooms, message boards, news groups and/or other public forums available to its users. Any information that is disclosed in these areas becomes public information. You should exercise caution when using these and never disclose your personal information that you do not wish to be known publicly.

Child safety
Protecting the safety of children when they use the Internet is important to us. The Pure Platform™ Site and Features are intended for use only by persons who are at least 16 years of age.

External links
The Pure Platform™ Site may, from time to time, contain links to merchants, market research companies, or other external sites. We are not responsible for the privacy policies or the content of such sites.

We place great importance on the security of all personal information associated with our users. We have security measures in place to attempt to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of personal information under our control. For example, our security and privacy policies are periodically reviewed and enhanced as necessary and only authorised personnel have access to personal information. Whilst we cannot ensure or guarantee that loss, misuse or alteration of information will never occur, we attempt to use all reasonable efforts to prevent it. You should bear in mind that submission of information over the internet is never entirely secure. We cannot guarantee the security of information you submit via the Pure Platform™ Site and Features whilst it is in transit over the internet and any such submission is at your own risk. It is advisable to close your browser when you have finished your user session to help ensure others do not access your personal information if you use a shared computer or a computer in a public place.

Storage of your information
Information that you submit via the Pure Platform™ Site and Features is sent to and stored on secure servers located in the United States of America and may be transferred by us to our other offices and/or to the third parties, who may be situated in the United States of America or elsewhere outside the EEA and may be processed by staff operating outside the EEA (see Information sharing). The US and other non-EEA countries do not have similar data protection laws to the EEA, and you should be aware in particular that the law and practice in the United States in respect of law enforcement authority access to data is significantly different from Europe. Where we transfer your information we will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your privacy rights continue to be protected consistent with our obligations under local law. By submitting information via the website, you agree to this storing, processing and/or transfer.

Your rights
You have a legal right under the U.K. Data Protection Act 1998 and/or and the EU General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR) to a copy of all the personal information about you held by us. On request, we will provide you with a copy of this information. You also have a right to correct any errors in that information. You also have the right to delete that information, but in that case we may necessarily have to close your account and your participation in any of our Rewards Programs, as we would be unable to continue to offer you our Services.

Contact us
If you have any questions or concerns regarding these Terms or your use of the Pure Platform™ Site and Features or our Services, please contact us by using the ”Contact Us”, ”Contact Member Services” or similar contact link in the footer of the Pure Platform™ Site